Caves of New Hampshire

Google for caves in New Hampshire and your initial results are going to revolve around just two places - Polar Caves and Lost River. Each are a fun way to spend a day - especially if you have young children who like to climb and explore - but search a little longer and you'll find that New Hampshire has many "wild" caves in addition to this pair of commercial ones. Of course, we are the Granite State so none of these will compare to the long and winding limestone caves you will find from New York to the south, but there are still a great many boulder or talus caves if you're willing to spend some time searching.

Sugar Hill

Carbonneau Cave

Catamount Hill

Devil's Den - Barrington

Royal Arch

Devil's Den - Epsom

Devil's Den - Pawtuckaway

Raymond Oven

Beryl Mountain

Devil's Den - Ashland


Raymond Cliff

Devil's Step Cave

Devil's Den - Sanbornton

Moose Mountain

Pete's Oven

Pike's Ledge Overhang

Devil's Den - New Durham

Rattlesnake Hill Cave

Green Mtn Double Tunnel

Green Mtn Ice Cave

Bear Hanson Cave

Mt. Cilley Ice Cave

Wildcat Den
Big Rock Cave #1

Big Rock Cave #2
Jerry's Hill Cave
Swamp Thing Cave


  1. I've been trying to locate the entrance to devils den in Barrington with no luck. Any pointers? Please...

  2. The entrance is near the large stones, in the ground behind the trees.
