Mines of New Hampshire

This is a work in progress of our efforts to find, explore, and document all of the underground mines in New Hampshire.  Photos by Dave Rondinone, Tina Rondinone, John Egolf, Barry McKay, and WeRmudfun.

Barney Mine

Blister Mine (buried)

Ruby Mine

Paddock Pit #1

Paddock Pit #2

Paddock Shaft #1

Paddock Shaft #2

Paddock Shaft #3

Madison Lead (flooded)

Ruggles Mine

Gilsum "Big" Mine

Mud Mine

Merrimack County

Fletcher - Photo by Dave Rondinone
Fletcher Mica Mine

United Mica Mine

Tin Mine

Pattuck Mica Mine

Yuhas #1

Yuhas #2

Charles Davis Mine (flooded)

Standard Mica Mine

Diamond Ledge Shaft

Diamond Ledge #2 (buried)

Iron Mountain Mine

Woodstock Lead Mine

Atwood (flooded)

Valencia Mine

Plume Mine

Marlow #1

Marlow #2

Grafton County

Colony Mine

Nickerson Mine (flooded)

Haviland #1 (buried)

BT Mine

Kilton Mica Mine

Boardman Mine

Saunders Tunnel #2

Saunders Tunnel #1

Carpenter Mine

Sargent Mine

Lyman Mine

Coos County

Wantasiquet Mine

PO #2 - Grafton County

Pike's Ledge
Pike's Ledge
RT1 - Grafton County

RT2 - Grafton County

WT - Grafton County

MH - Carroll County

UB (flooded) - Grafton County


Bristol Silver (buried)

N2 T1 - Grafton County

N2 T2 - Grafton County

FT1 - Grafton County

FT2 - Grafton County

FT3 - Grafton County

AG 1 - Grafton County

Tin Mine #2

Danbury Mica Mine




Aaron's Ledge

GDN Adit

Below are a collection of surface mines we have also documented within New Hampshire.

Crystal Mine - Upper

Crystal Mine - Lower

Evans Mine

Hackett #2

Alger Quarry 3

Alger Quarry 1

Jake Patten Prospect

Palermo Prospect

Royal Arch Mine



Polly Drew


  1. Wow these caves are a great find !! The pics of all the caves are so amazing !! Ever find any bears inside one of these caves lol.This most be so exciting and rewarding !! Love the pic's ! Josie xo

    1. Thanks! Yeah these represent a lot of fun adventures. A few months ago we were wandering through a mineshaft and we came around a bend and two large porcupines were right there! I jumped like a fool but my friends knew they were calm animals, and we ended up getting some pictures of them :)

  2. I can get you in a mine near Gorham if you haven’t explored those yet shoot me a message ngoodwin555@gmail obviously It’s best I don’t publicly post it. Don’t need anyone falling down a mine shaft ;)

  3. I'd love the locations of these mines if your willing to share.

  4. David Rondinone Stevens High '60?

    1. You actually must remember my father, that is the Dave Rondinone you are thinking of :). Did you go to school with him?

  5. These places are amazing! I am from New York and recently moved to New Hampshire. I used to go spelunking all the time for fun, unfortunately I'm not having as much luck finding caves or mines as I was in New York. I would love to have some of these locations if you are willing to share them!
