Friday, March 22, 2019

Iron Mountain and Mines

You really cannot be disappointed taking a trip up north in our White Mountains. If you do not like adventure, the outdoors and fresh air, then you may want to take a seat and turn on the TV. We rarely sit on our weekends off, and places like Iron Mountain make you want to get up and grab that coffee to go.

Located in Jackson NH, Iron Mountain is a moderate, 3 mile hike. The trail begins in an open field that has some pretty spectacular views. Honestly, if you aren’t up for the hike like a gentleman we had passed at the start of the trail, then you could sit right there in the field soaking up sun and taking some great photos. He was more than happy to stay put while his friends continued on. But we were not there to sit, especially knowing our hike would lead us to some mines and amazing views.

The incline on some parts was definitely not for beginners, but going slow and taking an occasional water break made some of the tough parts doable. The trail was fairly easy to follow and trust me when I tell you, the view we found was probably the most amazing view I’d ever seen on our many hikes. Making it even more beautiful was the fact that we’d witnessed nature at its finest during the fall season, with all the leaves and their vibrant colors showing. 

We even had a few laughs taking pictures of each other “climbing” up and over the cliff. We know we can be crazy and often laugh at ourselves but I’m sure some people don’t see our humor, such as a guy enjoying the peaceful scenery before we arrived, who decided it was time to pack up and go while we continued with our crazy photo shoots.

It was a tough spot to leave but we had a couple mines to seek out. There was a sign pointing us in the right direction and we found a big open pit. 

We believe most would think this was it and honestly it didn’t seem like the trail went any further but most people don’t do research like the FBI as my husband does, and he knew of another one further down. It was a pretty cool find, and even my fear of bats and spiders didn’t keep me out of this one.

For those of you who follow our blog regularly, you know my husband often leaves a coin for future visitors to find. Let us know if you have any luck finding the mine and the coin at its very end.

Hanging out with our friend, lunch with a view, and a “bat free mine”, our day was complete. And just when I thought I had witnessed everything beautiful on that mountain, on our way back down we passed a bride in her wedding gown and groom, hiking up to get married where we enjoyed our lunch with a view. I was a bit jealous of their plan, it almost makes me want to get married all over again in such a beautiful place. She was my hero that day wearing a dress on her hike. I hope this is one of her and her husbands many adventures at the start of their life together.


  1. Went there yesterday! Fantastic!!

    1. Very cool! Subsequent to this visit I also found a second tunnel lower down the mountain. Dave
