
Saturday, April 22, 2017

Off And Running

"You will never see me run." Those were my exact words. In fact, I said them right up until the age of 41. Just before my 42nd birthday, I thought it would be fun to try a program called Couch Potato to 5K. I wouldn't say I was in some sort of mid life crisis needing to feel young, but I was feeling like I needed to do something different, something to help clear my head and something to focus on. Little did I know how much it would change me.

So by now you know this isn't a typical blog post about a cool ruin we found. But since this blog is about our family and our adventures, you will soon find out how this all ties in.

Brief history on myself. I grew up with asthma. Today, there are many advanced treatments available but 30-40 years ago they didn't know what to do with me. I was literally put in the hospital every time it acted up and had to sit out of gym class much of my school years. I easily could have told you running would never be in my future.  My parents finally found a Dr who got me under control and to this day, I still take daily meds that keep it well controlled.

Dave has been running for about 7 years now. He has run countless 5K's, a half and a full marathon. Running did not come easy for me, it still doesn't. For me, it's more mental. Dave ran my first race with me and even though my pace was like walking for him, he stayed by my side giving me that push when I needed it. He even let me beat him by a second!

I still remember sweating and watching him eat a doughnut after, when I had all I could do to not throw up! But there is nothing more satisfying than finishing a race, especially one we have done together.

We now have the whole family running! Jordan did one 5K several years ago. She decided it wasn't really for her but she did it!

Madison has done several,

and Logan just completed his first one.

At the beginning of this year, the 4 of us decided to join the Dover Race Series. We have to complete six 5K races and one 10K before the end of the year. If we complete it, we earn a jacket. It has been fun doing this together. Of course what kills me is Madison's idea of training is sitting on the couch eating ice cream, and Logan can just get up on race day and belt out a 5K, both of them beating me in time. I'm just glad as teenagers they want to do this with us. It's a fun experience we will always remember and great to get out within our community.

I have now completed 4 races since starting my running journey 1 1/2 years ago. I just signed up for my 5th, which is the 2nd race this year toward the series. Running has taught me how to push myself and that there truly is no limit to what you can set your mind to. I'm not the same person I was a year and a half ago. I have been able to work through some tough times with running and I feel stronger physically but more importantly, mentally. I credit Dave for giving me that push when I need it and for being my biggest supporter during my training from the very beginning. Even though I will probably never beat any of my family's times, at least I will have my own cheering section at the end of every race!

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