
Friday, March 24, 2017

Forbidden Files - The Disappearance of Sorensen Transportation

Why are nearly 40 tractor trailers abandoned somewhere in the woods of New England, in a spot that before Google Earth they were apt never to be found? That question was asked by a whole lot of people last year after a video of these trailers was posted on YouTube, and the debate ranged anywhere from this being a grand robbery, an insurance scam, or a few ideas that were even more sinister.

Although it's hard to tell what you're looking at by the picture above, here is a zoom in of the northern group of trailers.

First let me give you the background. This adventure began last summer when I received a message from my friend Barry with a link to a YouTube video titled Mystery of the 39 Abandoned Trailers, about a guy who found these trailers while looking on Google Earth for new places to ride his dirt bike. The link my friend sent me included one simple sentence - We need to find this!

The video was careful to not disclose the trailers location - and in fact three weeks after it was posted it disappeared from the user's channel altogether - but there were just enough clues to start our investigation. All the trailers had the name Sorensen Transportation on them, a shipping company from Bethany CT that either went belly up or merged with a larger firm in the 1990's. Whichever happened, it took place prior to the Internet being the informational catch-all that it is today, and after three days of chasing every lead to a dead end I was beginning to lose faith in ever finding them. That's when Barry, who turned out to be a much better detective than I was in this case, sent me an excited message - I found them!

No sooner did his coordinates hit my inbox than I was clicking them and seeing the satellite image for myself, and we immediately made plans for that weekend to hike to the spot, winter weather be damned. These weren't the kind of woods that came with parking lots and hiking trails and benches dedicated to loved ones though, they're the kind where hundreds of acres are densely pack with trees and bushes in a remote area of a remote town. So I located a cemetery that bordered the woods, and thinking it would make a convenient enough place to park the car while we made the 1-1/2 mile hike in, our plan was set.

That Sunday morning we arrived and our first obstacle was that the cemetery wasn't nearly as handy as Google Earth made it seem, with houses and a cliff-like hill bordering the access point, so off we went looking for another spot. We finally parked down an old logging road, waited while a pickup crept by, then confident they weren't stopping to check out what a Toyota Yaris was doing running around the woods, we set out.

The next hour consisted of avoiding private residences, trudging through snow and slush, and climbing the same long and steep hill we'd tried to avoid at the cemetery, and which surrounded this location like a fortress. Days later I plugged the GPS coordinates into an elevation map and learned our destination was 1,014 ft above sea level, a brutal and unexpected climb that at the time had me wondering why we weren't at home watching football with a beer like other grown men. And to make things extra fun this remote area had no cell phone service, so for navigation we were relying on my new Garmin GPS which I hadn't quite gotten the hang of yet. My biggest accomplishment with it thus far was pinpointing the neighbors shed that borders our backyard.

So I was more than a little surprised when vehicles started appearing through the trees.

And soon after we began seeing trailers.

One of the things mentioned in the YouTube video was that the trailers were full of various merchandise like appliances, mattresses, and other valuables. Part of that was true, as most of these trailers were packed full, but everything we came across was used, not the newly packaged merchandise we'd assumed the trailers were hiding. We found ourselves looking at trailer after trailer of some pretty nasty junk. I'd take my chances on a jailhouse cot before snuggling up on one of these mattresses for the night.

And in trailers that were full on the inside, more goodies were piled underneath.

After spending some time wandering among this group, we followed the overgrown remains of a dirt road - a road once wide enough to drive these trailers down - in search of the second cluster.

This group had once been neatly parked but have sat so long they've begun toppling onto each other.

We didn't open any of the trailers ourselves, but enough had been left open to see that once again we were dealing with stuff that would look more at home in a dumpster.

Including the trailer full of appliances that had been talked about in the video. I'm guessing this fridge last saw action around the same time milk was being delivered to your front steps.

Another thing debated on were the rigs used to drive these trailers out here. More than one person claimed these cabovers (a name I had to google) would certainly have had value to them, especially if they'd been running well enough to haul all this trailers out here to begin with.

There were many other vehicles, including these dumptrucks which on the outside at least seemed in pretty descent shape. Of course, I sit behind a desk all day and have no dirt under my fingernails, so probably I'm not the best judge of heavy equipment.

Here was one of my favorites, this old beast that I posed next to like some bad Sears catalog model.

Which had a hood ornament that, as chick repellent, would've rivaled the hand grenade shell I once mounted to my old Chevy Chevette.

So what conclusion did we come to on why these trailers are abandoned in the middle of nowhere? By dirt road, these woods are accessed only by a house a quarter-mile to the north. Whether they own the property or not we do not know, but we didn't encounter a single Private or No Trespassing sign the entire day. I couldn't find any connection to the owners of the property and Sorensen Transportation though, so here are my theories:

a) The company hid them as an insurance scam - Although this was a popular theory online, it just doesn't make sense to me. What would the claim be, that someone stole 40 of your trailers plus all your trash? Unless it happened so long ago that the stuff was all in good shape at the time.

b) The flip side of this, that the trailers are actually stolen and hidden out here - Another one that seems plausible at first but has some holes. Why steal all these trailers just to let them rot?

c) This is an illegal junkyard - The amount of other vehicles out here makes me consider this, but not all the vehicles seem like they were junk. Plus this wouldn't explain where the contents came from, unless the final job of Sorensen before going out of business was to dispose of it all, and this was how they saved money doing it.

d) This is the world's biggest hoarder - In the end, this is the theory I'm leaning toward, mixed in with a dash of the illegal junkyard. Most of what we saw in those trailers smacks of that TV show Hoarders, where an item doesn't have any practical value but has just enough Yeah, but what if I cleaned it up potential that the person refuses to part with it. Additionally, at least one of the trailers had a sticker on it advertising storage trailer sales. Could it be that these are retired shipping trailers that were sold for storage, and owned by the house to the north?

Although a giant hoarder is what I've decided on, one thing keeps me from going all in with this theory. Every hoarder I've seen on TV is surrounded with their clutter. Usually they live in a house that has barely enough pathway to walk room to room, which allows them to look at and touch their belongings whenever they want. But in this case you'd have to hike a quarter-mile into the woods if you wanted to roll around in your junk. Then again, most of this is stuff you can't exactly bring into the living room with you, so what else are you supposed to do with it?

So the king of all hoarders? Yeah, maybe.

But ... 39 overflowing trailers is an ungodly amount of anything, and it still makes me wonder if somebody isn't hiding something out there in all this mess.


  1. This isn't the first company to hide assets. Not from the new company but from the courts. In filling chapter 7 you have to liquidate assets before real property can be sold. LTV Steel hide tons of material by producing hundreds of slabs and coils that no company could use ever because of how they were made. Years after there chapter 7 this came to light. To late. Looking at the trailers everything that could have been sold at auction was put into them and just parked in the woods. This made a clean get away for the owners and aloud then to keep their personal assets. We're talking big greed man. You run a company into the ground. Pocket as much money as you can. Then retire. Everyone but the owners gets screwed. I've seen it first hand.

    1. Interesting, so you think the plan would be wait for a long enough period of time and then go out and re-claim everything?

    2. Problem with that theory is all those trucks predate the closing or buy out of the company buy a minimum 15-20 years.. in fact they may have been there years before the company closed..js

  2. Looks like an abandoned truck stop to me

    1. the Husky off the that old Brockway is worth money today,, Mack Trucks bought out Brockway in about 75 and made Brockways for a couple years with a Mack cab on them and then stopped making them

  3. no doubt it was a hoarder. the trailers could only be storage. at the approx time they were parked it was a transitional time to longer and wider trailers.. additionally while the tractors look cool as artifacts the brocks had been out of production for nearly 15 years.. the one had a extended life as a dump truck, the cabover frieghtliners were the last made as seen with the cab forward with the large steps.. at the time were known for having the cab fall off the frame for the weak cab mounts.. to me it tell of a time when the price of scrap was so low it was easier to park them in the woods than prep them for scrap. there was a comment about the husky hood ornament. probly the only thing of value in the lot. those brocks were the last to have wedge brakes,no power steering and no ac. none of the items there are in danger of have someone scavenge

  4. i get a torch and tanks and load one them there dumptrucks up with grade 1 quality steel and then drive it to the highest paying scrapyard and become rich overnight

    1. That is exactly what i was thinking. all that metalmis a scrappers wet dream! I bet there is copper brass and all the rest up in those trucks just waiting to be recycled if lived anywhere close i would be out there every damn day hauling that shit to the yard.

    2. Plenty of money to be made scraping this mess out.

  5. One other thing that may have value is if the trailers have hardwood floors. Of course the cost of getting to it in this situation may outweigh the value.

  6. I have been looking for this a VERY long time. Saw just a little bit I think someone was driving a car the first time I saw it they got a phone call and I think they were going to stop or something I hit something on my phone BAM it was gone. Thanks for this I loved everything I saw

  7. Do you have any info these trucks because I would love to purchase all of them I am a one man 19 yr old who has just started diesel mechanics college I love to restore old model trucks I use to do it with my grandfather if any info please contact me at 1-423-946-4093 thanks and have a nice day

  8. No assets here. These are all old 60's and 70's rigs that wouldn't pass DOT if they were like new. Old split ring wheels been outlawed forever. Likely just a auction acquisition for storage and salvage and that's what they're doing right now.
    Anybody that grew up during the depression or had a father that did knows that some people just buy stuff cause they now can even if it's of no value now or ever. Didn't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of when they were young.
    I grew up on a farm and my great grandfather couldn't pass up any kind of implement. No matter whether it would ever work again he would drag it out to a spot in the back and park it. For my grandfather it was washing machines and any kind of lawnmower. He died with the first one he got, the last one and every one in between for 85 years. My father had every pickup he'd ever owned the day he died in 1974. Everything from a 1939 flatbed to a 1972 Cheyenne. 22 pickups all together and still out back of the old farm house to this day. Must be 5 acres of stuff. For me it's tools. Probably got 50 of everything from screwdrivers to impacts.
    Maybe my kids will sell all this junk off someday and make good use of the money but probably not. My boy is driving the 72 today. His 92 he drove in high school is out back with a blown motor.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hey Geno, I restore Chevy trucks. I could restore some of yours for you as a trade for me taking some off your hands. Give me a text or call, 352/253/4502

    3. As a former employee of Sorenson Transportation of Bethany, CT, for 35 years, I can say that these trailers were purchased by a pig farmer in NH. He drove them off the property a few at a time and took them to his farm in NH. How they got out in the woods I really don't know, but they were not stolen. It was not an insurance scam - they were just sold.


    4. Hey Bill! It's Brian Dale, the insurance agent for Sorensen when they sold to Nationwide. Hope you've been well, and the Sorensen's also!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. nice find, looks like a interesting place

  11. Has anyone thought about the Google Earth Clock? You can go back in time on Google earth typically as far back as the early 1980's in some places and see when they where more than likely put there or get a better date.

  12. They were moved there more recently than you might think: Not there December 2010, there September 2011. And given that the house nearby has a large number of vehicles surrounding it, including cabovers, I'd say the mystery of who they belong to is solved. Some vehicles have obviously been there much longer, which isn't uncommon in rural areas. So where these trailers were between 1995 and 2011 is a mystery, probably used as storage somewhere as indicated by the tags, and they must've stayed all together. I believe the property was (or may still be?) for sale, if anyone's interested.

  13. Replies
    1. It's in Ma west of 91 near the NH border

  14. Why is it we should bother even worrying about it it's none of our business

  15. I found them,one road in past a private residence. I dont see a cemetery on google earth. Apparently the big private home on the logging road didnt give you a problem driving in. Then a short walk from there. Ya anyone wants the coordinates hit me up.

  16. I was their insurance agent at the time they merged with a large company. Not a scam. They are good people based on my experiences.

    1. Interesting, thanks for the first-hand info. Everything I've learned since writing this blog post confirms what you said.

    2. I worked for Sorenson transportation in the 80s. The other person who said he was a employee Bill was, he was the owner of Sorenson transportation Bill Sorenson. And as it goes for good people I guess that's a matter of opinion. It was a family owned business and every family member was trying to cheat/scam the other family members out of the business. There was a reason these trailers disappeared and although the employees couldn't figure out why we would of bet it wasn't legal. And there were rumors of illegal dumping of toxic chemicals which was a common practice in the 70s, 80s, and part of the 90s. I'm sure even before and after then too but I have to personal knowledge of it.

  17. I know where that farm is next to the river I've driven by many times how far away are the trailers in the woods from the original farm?

  18. the trailers are about 30 yards away buried in the woods

  19. can anyone please send me coordinate and the location also, appreciate it,thanks.

  20. As a former employee of Sorensen Transp, I can say, without hesitation, that this is not a scam. Artie, Bill and Bobby, although tough to deal with at times, were stand-up people. There's no story here.
