
Friday, June 24, 2016

Blue Job Mountain & Fire Tower

Growing up in the Seacoast, Blue Job Mountain is a name I've been familiar with for the past 25 years. However, that's as far as my familiarity had taken me. I never actually climbed it until Logan and I made the ascent earlier this spring.

With an elevation of roughly 1,300 feet it's tall enough to give you perhaps the best view in Southern NH, but small enough to make it an enjoyable rather than challenging hike. Located in Farmington NH - roughly a half-hour drive from us - this fit in perfectly for a Saturday afternoon when Tina and Madison were both working and Logan and I wanted to get out for a bit. Putting aside the guilt we felt about the girls having to work on a weekend while us guys got to play, we loaded up a backpack and made the quick drive over.

Blue Job is a popular little spot and we actually had to do a bit of jostling for a parking space. We chose a trail more or less at random and started our journey, and were pleasantly surprised at how well maintained the path was. Here, a small bridge led us over one of the messy areas near the base.

And sizable cairns guided our way higher up when trails weren't always so evident.

After Logan took us on one of his famous shortcuts up a steep path and over some boulders, we found ourselves at the summit of the mountain and posing for pictures by this small shack. I assume this was the building used by staff as they rotated shifts during fire watch duty years ago.

The fire tower was our final goal that day, and another one climbed toward our goal of the 15 that remain standing in New Hampshire. While up there admiring the view we met a nice gentleman who took this picture for us. A very rewarding finish to an enjoyable hike.

Blue Job is the perfect mountain for both beginners or anyone with young kids. If either of these describe your family I encourage you not to wait as long as I did to make this hike.

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